Magical Sky and Planetary Villages
This prompt generates breathtaking panoramic landscapes featuring multiple celestial bodies floating in an otherworldly sky. Each celestial body hosts a unique village nestled amidst lush forests and meticulously cultivated fields, reminiscent of the iconic Hallelujah Mountains from the movie Avatar. The artistic style blends the whimsical caricature-like illustrations of Rinat Voligamsi and Alex Alemany with the painterly storytelling and HDR techniques of Alexander Jansson, resulting in captivating and surreal imagery.
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Because the prompt has been carefully designed and thoroughly tested, all you need to do is replace the keywords, topic, and idea, you will get perfect images
To achieve images like the demo, we suggest using Midjourney or DALL·E, Stable Diffusion, or Gemini with the latest versions. Remember to include links to these platforms.
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